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You get to create your reality!

2024 Goals and Resolutions

Did you set goals and resolutions for 2024? If so, how are they going? Are you taking inspired action? Or are you stuck and afraid that you are going to get the same boring results year after year after year. Not to worry, I have lots of strategies and tips to help you out. I’ve learned how to manifest what I want with ease and flow, and I’d love to teach you how too.

The strategy that I’m going to teach you today is called, Create through Imagination. Wouldn’t it be fun to see yourself already achieving your goals and feeling what it’s like and believing that it’s possible? Want more fun? Keep reading!

Live to Surf!

Most of you know that I love to surf. I mean I really love to surf. I’ve been surfing for 24 years now, and I love everything about it. Over the last 2 decades, I’ve always wanted to attend a surf yoga retreat.  I didn’t spend a lot of time looking around, instead, I used my imagination to create the most amazing retreat possible. I spent years daydreaming and putting it out into the universe that I wanted to show up in a foreign country, have amazing surf instructors in a beautiful environment with an amazing yoga instructor, and delicious food, and be surrounded by other women that were as passionate about surfing as much as I am. And I wanted to be able to drink wine at night.

Allow Life to Happen

Last January 24th I published my book, Allow Life to Happen and receive everything you desire, on Amazon, and it became a #1 international best-seller. My accountability partner and some friends asked me, “What are you going to do to celebrate?” and I knew that it was finally my time. I had to celebrate so I checked out a couple of surf retreats and booked my trip to Costa Rica with Surf with Amigas. In November 2023, on my 63rd birthday week, I had the most amazing surfing adventure of my lifetime. It was even better than I ever thought possible. New friends were made and I fell in love with Costa Rica and the locals. I even got to ride horseback on the beach in the rain down to Panama.  I’ve had many examples of manifesting through using my imagination in my life so I know that you can create by using your imagination too.

Create through Imagination

When I first started studying the law of attraction, I read a book called “Your Invisible Power by Genevieve Behrend. She writes, “There is nothing unusual or mysterious in the idea of your pictured desire coming into material evidence. There is so much power when you feel yourself and you see yourself using your imagination already having created what you desire.”

Bob Proctor used to always say, “If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand.”

Now take a moment, close your eyes, and use your imagination to see what you’ve never seen beofere. I want you to see yourself three years from now. Your desires have come true. Your dreams, your goals have all materialized.  You’ve accomplished everything you set out to do and more. I want you to see a picture in your mind of what that looks like. Now focus on what it feels like.  What is the emotion that comes up when you see yourself already successfully manifesting your heart’s desires?

Guiding Questions

Here are some questions to guide your vision:

  1. What do you look like? What kind of clothes are you wearing? Are you healthy, fit, and energetic? What do you love to do?
  2. How are you moving in the world?  Are you jet setting around the world flying first class? Are you in a corporate setting?  Are you with family and friends? Are you working from home? Where are you living?
  3. What draws people to you? What are your gifts and talents that you are sharing? How are you connecting with others? What is your character like? Are you loving and kind?
  4. Why do you want to know and hang out with your future self? What is the attraction?
  5. What makes you smile? What is bringing you joy?

Once you have this clear picture of your future self, and you imagine it often, you will get to a place where you start to recognize your future self.  I like to do this right after I meditate.

Hey, that’s me!

I’ll never forget a time a few years ago walking through a mall in Southern California, I gazed into a store window, and I saw my reflection and I thought ‘That’s her.’ I glimpsed my future self that day and it was exhilarating. I knew that I was getting closer to my goals and dreams.

However much you seem to be living in a material world, you are actually living in a world of imagination.” Neville Goddard

You can also create a vision statement, a vision board, you can write out the script of your life, even draw a sketch of your future self.  Those are very useful tools for using your imagination, however, remember what Neville Goddard says, “the feeling is the secret” so you want to make sure that you’re feeling what it’s like to already have manifested and accomplished your goal.

For other exercises on using your imagination you can check out my videos on my YouTube channel which is @bethmcgill. And you can also pick up my book, Allow Life to Happen and receive everything you desire! and learn more about how to use your imagination to create your dream reality.

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