Done is better than perfect!
I did it! I finished writing my new online course today and I feel amazing. Why? Because I know the impact that it’s going to have on people’s lives. I want to help others feel more joy, love and abundance in their life.
I know that lives can change and anyone can experience a transformation IF they are ready, willing and able to do the ‘work’.
It doesn’t matter if you want to find a new relationship, a home, a career, lose weight, or have more money. You can have it! You can be, do, or have anything! What do YOU really want?
How did I get here?
Two years ago, I successfully transitioned into a career that I loved. I was working from home and had time freedom, making 6 figures, and happily married. We own a home on the California Coast and a cabin in the Sierra’s. We have a spot in Baja that we love to travel to and hang out with friends.
But something was bugging me and I couldn’t explain it.
I have a very brilliant mastermind and colleague that I talk to often. I noticed that I kept asking her, “Are we having fun yet?” , “Are we having fun yet?” and then it hit me like a ton of bricks after I said that for the hundredth time.
Honest Moment!
I wasn’t having fun but why? I loved providing financial education and helping people. But, I was missing something. I had done enough personal development reading, studying, classes and events to know that I was searching for something.
So, I did an experiment and I decided to search within. I set my timer for 5 minutes every morning, sitting in a quiet place and I closed my eyes. Well, that’s the beginning of my story. The joyful transformation that occurred in me over the next 6 months is what led me to create Thrive, Flourish & Grow.
“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.”
Live a Life You Love, Now!
For the last year and a half, I have been preparing the materials, experiences, activities, books, videos and resources that would allow me to teach others what I’ve learned. This is my soul’s purpose.
In this course, Live a Life You Love, Now! topics include Awareness, Releasing the Past, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Self-Love and Manifestation.
In my next post/video I’ll share the participant Milestones and some additional content.
“You will step forward into GROWTH or you will step back into SAFETY.”
Abraham Maslow
Our lives are meant for fuller expansion – to thrive, flourish and grow.
If you want to learn more you can comment below or reach me at