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Prosperity is a state of being

Most people think that you must work hard to be prosperous. That’s what your parents tell you. You must work hard, get excellent grades, and get a good job! And then one day, you are scrolling through your Instagram feed, and you see ‘those people’ and they want to show you how to make five or six figures in a month.  Or they want to show you how to make $1,000,000 right away and they say things like ‘I’ve done it, now let me show you how’ and before you know it, you’re going down this rabbit hole and buying their thing. But who are these people, and have they done what they said they did? Are we supposed to take their word for it? Are they living a prosperous life?

Let’s talk about the word prosperity for a moment. Prosperity is a state of being prosperous. It’s a lot more than having a bunch of money. It’s experiencing prosperous health and wellness and relationships and freedom. It’s about having lots of fun, playing, and creativity.

You Too, Can Be Prosperous

I was first introduced to the idea of prosperity in this book: You Too, Can be Prosperous by Robert A. Russell. I heard about it on a podcast, and I picked it up. I was a financial advisor back then, and I wanted to learn everything I could about being prosperous. The whole idea fascinated me. I took the book with me on a flight to Vegas to read on the plane. In the first chapter it says to say ‘I am prosperity’ 100 times, and I remember thinking instead of saying it over and over, every time I think about it, I’m going to say, ‘I am prosperity’. And I did. He says just by saying it over and over you’re raising your vibration.    Robert A. Russell writes, “…you started a vibration that will make all your dreams and wishes come true.”

Here’s the big aha. He writes,” Millions slave for this idea; a few are supported by it” In other words are you going to be the servant of an idea or are you going to be served by it?

Millions are a slave to the idea of wanting to be prosperous, but their reality is that they are filled with worry, and anxiety about how they are going to pay the next bill.

Only a few own it, ‘I am prosperity’!!! They feel it. They own it. I own it.

I am prosperity. I am powerful. I am successful.

Keep repeating. You are giving instructions to your subconscious mind.

Want a guided meditation to activate your prosperity? Here you go – it starts at about halfway through – https://youtu.be/R0qRBPvmIVo?si=ObR47Bu8-Ef6KYoR

Do you have a prosperous mindset yet? That’s where it all starts. Do you want to manifest a new home, a car, a new relationship? If you have a prosperous mindset then you are in deep appreciation for all that you have.  You’re feeling a profound sense of gratitude throughout the day, and you are looking for and finding beautiful things that bring you joy. You see prosperity is not about money. You must become prosperity, become the essence of prosperity before you can manifest your heart’s desires.

5 Tips for a Prosperous Mindset

Here are 5 tips to help you have a prosperous mindset:

  1. Have appreciation for all that you have.
  2. Feel contentment, confidence, freedom, inspiration as much as you can.
  3. Know that you are guided in all situations, feeling courageous and protected.
  4. Allow in peace of mind and joy, knowing that you’re connected to an infinite God, Spirit, Universe that has your back.
  5. Always expect something better than what you want. Expect good health, happy relationships, success, fun and a lovely home.

Life is a state of consciousness. You’re either in a state of lack or a prosperous state. What is your state?

In a Certain Way

I think that it is interesting that Robert A. Russell writes, “It (prosperity) comes as a result of thinking, acting, and believing in a certain way;” And, in the book, The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace D. Wattles writes, “If getting rich is the result of doing things in a Certain Way, and if like causes always produce like effects, then any man or woman who can do things in that way can become rich, and the whole matter is brought within the domain of exact science.” It all comes down to quantum physics. Thank you, Albert Einstein, for proving its existence. All you must do is to believe that it works and that it is law.


My favorite Wallace D. Wattles quote is this: “To think health when surrounded by the appearance of disease, or to think riches when in the midst of appearances of poverty, requires power; but he who acquires this power becomes a MASTERMIND. He can conquer fate; he can have what he wants.”

It’s time to acknowledge your power and allow it in! Most people are focused on their reality instead of creating their reality.  It’s time to start thinking about prosperity from a scientific lens, a quantum physics lens. You must have faith, belief, the vision, and the purpose of what it is you desire. And you must maintain that thought form in the present tense!

Allow Life to Happen

I’ve outlined all the steps of manifestation in my book, Allow Life to Happen and receive everything you desire! You can get your copy here: https://thriveflourishgrow.biz/3P0ZUIL

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