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Allow Life to Happen

Allow Life to Happen


I\’ve been off the radar a bit more than I thought I had.  I know that I’ve been focused on writing my book since February! But recently it was brought to my attention (by a complete stranger) that I’ve been absent.⁠ Last week, I received a LinkedIn message from a nice gentleman from the UK and it said, “I notice you haven’t posted a new article since August last year, I’m sure you have plenty of brilliant ideas but haven’t got the time, if you need any help with this in 2022 or other tasks, I can certainly provide low-cost strategies to keep the ball rolling!” Thank you so much, Oliver!

I couldn’t believe it! Since August last year? I thought about it, and he was absolutely correct.  January I was in Baja for a couple of weeks and before that the holidays. In November and December, I focused on offering and teaching my advanced course Health, Energy, Alignment and Love (HEAL). And in October my grandson, Eli, was born. Yes, I’ve been busy living life and having a blast, and this is a priority as well.  You see, I love to teach. I love to teach the law of attraction and how to manifest your dream life. My deepest desire is to inspire others to go after their deepest desires. It’s what I was born to do along with providing energy sessions!

How can I help more people?

The question that I always ask myself is “How can I help more people?”. When I was a teacher, I was able to influence 30 lives a year. How can I help more people? I became a financial advisor and was able to help hundreds of people a year. How can I help more people? As an inspirational teacher I create workshops, content, online courses and provide speaking engagements. My goal is to inspire thousands of people each year. The numbers are unlimited now. I love teaching but I didn’t have any inclination to write a book. But God, Spirit, Universe knows my question, my ask and when you ask it is given.

Allow Life to Happen

This personal development book I am writing is going to take the reader through the complete process of gaining awareness of your thoughts and feelings, letting go of the past, forgiveness of yourself and others, understanding energy, vibration, and frequency, using the imagination to create a joy filled life, creating and maintaining powerful habits, and to understanding of who you really are as a spiritual being having a physical experience! It is complete with a workbook section so that you can write down your answers and journal writing experiences. It is my goal that reading this book will be a powerful life changing experience.

I want to share an excerpt from the Introduction so that you know the back story????

\’On the morning of October 27th, 2020, I woke up and before I could open my eyes, I heard the words “Allow Life to Happen”. It wasn’t a whisper. The words were clear and strong, but there was no one else in the room. It was a message for me although I didn’t know what it meant. Later that morning, during my meditation I understood. “Allow Life to Happen” was to be the title of a book that I was to write. What? I had no plans to write a book, so I didn’t give it much thought. I was busy producing my online course videos for the next few months. I launched my online course, ‘Live A Life You Love, Now!’ in 2021 and then I created and taught my advanced course ‘Health, Energy, Alignment & Love’ (H.E.A.L.) by the end of the year.

I didn’t give the book any thought until January 15th, 2022! On this day, I had a clear message to drop all my other projects and focus on writing the book, so I did! You see, I listen to and follow my intuition and my other spiritual faculties.

‘Allowing life to happen’ means creating the life that you desire in a way that is easy, effortless, and fun! What do you want to allow in? Do you want more fun, joy, happiness, appreciation, health, healing, change, wealth, serenity, acceptance, peace, (this is going to be a long list) love, connection, purpose, prosperity, abundance, passion, faith, gratitude, wisdom, understanding, awareness, releasing, alignment, forgiveness, freedom, clarity, and/or guidance?\’????

Trust System

Now when I mention to someone that I am writing a book they ask me “Who’s program are you in?” or “Who’s template are you following?” or “Who is coaching you?” None of the above! I follow my guidance system. I ask God, Spirit, Universe to guide me every step of the way.  I guess that you could say that it’s the ‘trust’ system???? of writing a book. I trust that everything is going to work out! Others ask me about how I’m going to get it edited and published.  Honestly, I don’t know but I do know that I will attract the perfect person or organization to help me.  I don’t sweat the small stuff because it is all small stuff. Everything is always working out for me!

You see, I’m Allowing Life to Happen.

Do you want to learn more? You can join me in the Facebook Group High Energy Manifestor –  highenergymanifestor.group. I go live every Monday and teach every Wednesday.

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