Meet Beth McGill

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Beth Mcgill. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Hi Beth, thanks for joining us today. So, naming is such a challenge. How did you come up with the name of your brand?
I was taught early on that you had to work hard for everything. I went to school, received good grades, and got a job. I was a third-grade teacher for over 20 years. I worked hard for my money. As a teacher and single mom of two boys, I wanted to learn about saving, investing and retirement planning. I asked lots of questions, yet what I discovered was a total lack of financial education especially for women. Then, my teacher friend, Gail, suggested I read David Bach’s book, Start Late, Finish Rich – A No-Fail Plan for Achieving Financial Freedom at Any Age. I was completely hooked. I wanted to save and plan for my future. I loved learning about financial education. Then, I said yes to a wonderful opportunity to become fully licensed as a financial advisor. I wanted to learn as much as possible so that I could teach and help others.
Over time, I built a thriving financial services business. Eventually, I was able to transition from teaching in the public school system to working full-time as a financial advisor. After commuting for years and being away from home a lot, I decided to work from home. It was a perfect fit. I hired a business coach to help me with the transition to becoming an entrepreneur. I wrote a business plan, set goals, and developed a schedule. Through this process, I put an intense amount of pressure on myself.
I kept asking my friend and colleague, ‘Are we having fun yet?’. After a few months of asking Apryl that question a million times, I realized that something was wrong. My business was successful, I cared about my clients and providing financial education, and everything was going great. So, what was going on with me? Honestly, I didn’t know. I couldn’t explain it. I wanted more – more joy in my life. I wanted to experience complete joy and bliss. So, why was I being so hard on myself? I set my expectations and goals. I was taking my newfound freedom and squelching it. No one was pressuring me except me. Can you relate?