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Energy Healing Sessions With Beth

Energy healing sessions with Beth are virtual. A phone conversation is required prior to scheduling a session to make sure that a session is a good fit for you. If it is, then we will schedule a session and payment will be made. 

The sessions are:

 $150 per session

$375 for 3 sessions (save $75)

$725 for 6 sessions (save $175)

These energy sessions provide healing of the mind, body, and spirit. Results regularly include increased confidence, clarity, renewed energy, feelings of peace and a sense of calm.

During the session, I connect to the universal life force ~God, Spirit, Universe, Source Energy, Infinite Intelligence, Divinity through my soul, source, inner being. I then connect to my client’s connection to Source. It’s a beautiful meeting ~like having a conversation with your soul! Depending on what the issue is, I clear relationships, release discordant energies, activate positive expressions, apply healing treatments, clear and rebalance chakras for a start. Additional physical healings can be done in future sessions.

The session is a beautiful life giving and empowering experience. Teaching and demonstrating to others that we are energetic beings is very fulfilling.

“After an energy session with Beth, I am amazed at the resulting confidence and clarity that follows.” Carol R.

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